Sunday, January 30, 2011

Eu cheguei ao Rio!

I made it back to Rio!

I arrived yesterday morning and it was about 95 degrees at the airport- It is the middle of summer here south of the equator. My friend Gustavo picked me up from the airport and it was almost like I have never left Brazil. I remembered all the places I have already been to and how to navigate the city. It feels so good to be back here! 

I stopped by the language school I will be studying at for the next 3 months and was blown away- everyone was so nice and after I left I walked 2 and a half blocks and ended up on Ipanema Beach. I think I am going to like the next couple of months. A lot.

Now, I am looking for an apartment- and it is not all that easy. I was quickly reminded of my first week in Thailand and constantly being shut down to find a place. Something will work out soon.

I am happy to be back and practicing Portuguese again, although the way of speaking in Rio is way different than the Portuguese in Salvador. I am trying to learn the adjustment.

Class starts on Monday- I am excited to meet more people here and see what I just got myself into for the next few months.

Ate logo- I am off to a samba club in Lapa tonight with some people I just met on the beach. I love this place!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

samba! have funnn! i miss you, eddie! a bunch of HMSers and I went to non-stop bhangra last night! it was sooo great! (and so sweatyy)