Sunday, January 30, 2011

Eu cheguei ao Rio!

I made it back to Rio!

I arrived yesterday morning and it was about 95 degrees at the airport- It is the middle of summer here south of the equator. My friend Gustavo picked me up from the airport and it was almost like I have never left Brazil. I remembered all the places I have already been to and how to navigate the city. It feels so good to be back here! 

I stopped by the language school I will be studying at for the next 3 months and was blown away- everyone was so nice and after I left I walked 2 and a half blocks and ended up on Ipanema Beach. I think I am going to like the next couple of months. A lot.

Now, I am looking for an apartment- and it is not all that easy. I was quickly reminded of my first week in Thailand and constantly being shut down to find a place. Something will work out soon.

I am happy to be back and practicing Portuguese again, although the way of speaking in Rio is way different than the Portuguese in Salvador. I am trying to learn the adjustment.

Class starts on Monday- I am excited to meet more people here and see what I just got myself into for the next few months.

Ate logo- I am off to a samba club in Lapa tonight with some people I just met on the beach. I love this place!

Friday, January 28, 2011

On my way back to Brasil

Yep, on my way back. I know I did not even post one blog the entire time I was in Brazil last time, but it was because for the first time ever I wanted to stop comparing and contrasting my culture to Brazil. I spent my time picking up Portuguese, meeting new people and learning to slow down after 2 crazy years at UC Berkeley where I was the king of multi-tasking.

When I got to Brazil in August I fell in love within the first week- the vibrancy of people's attitudes, music (or some kind of beat)  lingering from every corner, tropical plants and beautiful ocean... and the acai. The study abroad program I took part in helped me to learn the language by taking classes and staying with a host family where we sat and ate meals 3 times a day together trying to communicate with each other. The culture class I took allowed me to view Brazil from a completely different lens then the image I had romanticized in my mind. I began to view racism/sexism/class-ism through a whole new way. I loved the way brazil had a hold on me and I wasn't ready to let that grasp go just yet.  I put the my Peace Corps application on hold for a year and decided to set up an independent study abroad program in Rio de Janeiro.

I am on my way back, carrying a 10-year visa. I arrive in Rio tomorrow morning and start Portuguese class on Monday. I will be taking 3 months of classes at Casa do Caminho in Ipanema, 3 blocks from the beach! It took me a long time to set up this program and find a language school I felt like sponsoring, but Casa do Caminho,, is an organization run by volunteers and all the money for the classes goes to support an orphanage outside of Rio. I tried to get an internship with them but they were full at this time. While I will study there I will be looking for another internship opportunities to take on for the next few months.

I am so excited to return to Rio. The first time I went there in October of last year my jaw literally dropped- it really is 'cidade maravilhousa' a marvelous city! I will be here for approximately 5 months... I am keeping that door open a little to see what kind of opportunities come my way. Until then I will be learning Portuguese, witnessing 'Carnaval' in a month, and exploring what the city has to offer.

Brasil, ate amanha!
